Policy context

An integrated planning framework

The Glenelg Hopkins Regional Catchment Strategy (RCS) is developed by Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority (CMA) as a requirement under the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994 (CaLP Act), which is the primary integrated planning framework for the management of land, water and biodiversity resources in the catchment. It has also been developed in accordance with requirements to support, reinforce and integrate a range of international, national, state and regional legislative, policy and strategic frameworks that guide and influence integrated catchment management.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals provide a common overarching framework to deliver community wellbeing and a more sustainable future for all people of the world. Under the framework, environmental, social and economic development are indivisible. The goals aim to reduce poverty and inequality, promote prosperity and well-being for all, protect the environment and address climate change, and encourage good governance, peace and security. The RCS may be a regionally based document, but it contributes to the broader global sustainable development movement.

The diagram below shows how the RCS adopts a whole-of-system policy approach for land, water and biodiversity management.