This Strategy

A framework for integrated catchment management 

This Regional Catchment Strategy has been developed by Glenelg Hopkins CMA in collaboration with Traditional Owners and regional agencies, organisations and groups. It is a plan to show how water, biodiversity and land is managed by the Glenelg Hopkins community.

The RCS provides a framework for investment and partnership implementation. It outlines the vision for the region and details priority directions, challenges and opportunities. This includes how we, as a region, incorporate the values and interests of local communities, stakeholders and Traditional Owners and contribute to actioning Government policies and achieving national and statewide targets.

ICM infographic

This is the region’s fourth RCS, building on 20 years of achievements and lessons learnt and was developed using the following principles:

  • An integrated catchment management (ICM) approach.
  • Regional ownership – embracing the regional delivery model, including co-delivery from committed partners.
  • Place-based systems approach at regional and local levels.
  • Built on strong community engagement and stakeholders partnerships.
  • Regard for Aboriginal cultural values and traditional ecological knowledge.
  • Triple bottom line approach considering socio-cultural, economic and environmental factors.
  • Evidence-based, supported by science and defendable data.
  • Flexibility to adopt new technologies and information as they arise.

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