Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation

Ngatanwarr – Welcome

The Gunditjmara people are the recognised Traditional Owners for the south-west of Victoria, and have a rich living culture whose heritage is embodied in the landscape.

There are many landscapes within Gunditjmara Country – Nyamat Mirring (Sea Country), Tungatt Mirring (Stone Country), Bocara Mirring (River Country) and Woorrowarook Mirring (Forest Country) – connecting Gunditjmara Traditional Owners to Country through dreaming stories, language, oral histories, cultural law/lore and customs. This heritage is a vital legacy for the Gunditjmara Traditional Owners today and in the future.

There are many special cultural places in Gunditjmara Country and these must be protected. These places are important culturally and spiritually to the Gunditjmara Traditional Owners who care for them and who continue their connections to the land today. 

Gunditj Mirring logo

About us

Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation (Gunditj Mirring) was established in 2005 by Traditional Owners to progress Gunditjmara rights and interest in native title, cultural heritage and caring for country. The corporation is a Registered Native Title Body Corporation under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) and a Registered Aboriginal Party (RAP) under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 (Vic). It is community-controlled, governed by Gunditjmara Traditional Owners and an elected Board of Directors. Gunditj Mirring brings together Gunditjmara Traditional Owners for discussions and decision making. Gunditj Mirring engages with other Aboriginal community organisations and the broader community through partnerships, collaborations and a variety of projects.

Through Gunditj Mirring, Gunditjmara people ensure that the responsibilities and duties which arise under Gunditjmara law, custom and beliefs are carried out in relation to caring for country and the protection and continuation of Gunditjmara law and culture. On behalf of the Gunditjmara community, the corporation owns and manages a number of culturally significant properties along the Budj Bim National Heritage Landscape. All properties are declared Indigenous Protected Areas (IPAs) and are managed for their cultural heritage and biodiversity values.

Gunditjmara are connected to all their traditional Country, and along with the Budj Bim landscape other important places include Bochara (Glenelg River), Gariwerd (including Grampians National Park) and the cliffs, dunes, wetlands and estuaries of the coast and sea Country from the South Australian border to Yambuck. Gunditjmara Country means the whole of the environment including nature and heritage, and material and spiritual components.