Red-tails of the Glenelg Plain

An endangered species of cultural significance

The Red-tails of the Glenelg Plain project supports actions to prevent further population decline of the endangered south-eastern red-tailed black cockatoo (SeRtBC). The SeRtBC occurs as a single population, with an estimated 810 individuals across its habitat range. The species has highly specialised feeding habitats, feeding primarily on the seeds of the desert (Eucalyptus arenacea) and brown stringybark (E. baxteri) and seasonally on the seeds of buloke (Allocasuarina luehmannii). The SeRtBC is of strong cultural importance as it is a significant totem or moiety ancestor (known as Kapatj/Gamadj) for many Aboriginal language groups in the region. This project is informed by the 2007 SeRtBC National Recovery Plan and updated draft National Recovery Plan. It supports priority actions to address threats from habitat loss through regeneration of feed trees, protection and augmentation of nest sites and use of Traditional Burning techniques for wildfire management. 

Investment: $1,200,000 

Funded by: Australian Governments Regional Land Parnterships (RLP)

Delivery partners: BirdLife Australia, Greening Australia, Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Cooperative, Barengi Gadjin Land Council 

RLP outcomes and investment prioritiesAnticipated contribution to RLP outcomes and investment priorities by 2023
Outcome 2. By 2023, the trajectory of species targeted under the Threatened Species Strategy, and other EPBC Act priority species, is stabilised or improved. The south eastern red-tailed black-cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus banksia graptogyne) population is stabilised at or above 810 individuals by (1) increasing the extent of habitat by the establishment of 160 ha of key feeding species (2) increasing permanent protection of 60 ha of habitat from threats such as inappropriate burning and tree felling (3) actively increasing nesting habitat through an increase in known nest trees from 116 to 124 (4) increasing feeding habitat in areas burnt for wildlife management through traditional ‘cool’ burning techniques to reduce canopy scorch, and (5) monitoring of 60 nest boxes (15 new and 45 existing) to increase understanding of nest box occupancy and fledgling success.  

Now we’re done, here’s a snapshot of what we were able to achieve over the life of this project: